Boost Your Game: How Pilates Can Elevate Tennis, Pickleball, and Golf Performance


Did you know Pilates can improve your pickleball game?

All movement requires balance. When you play pickleball and other one-side dominant sports such as tennis or golf, you need good balance and activity to counteract the constant rotation of the sports. 

Many Pilates movements focus on core strength. And a stronger core supports good balance. Pilates may be the answer whether you want to prevent injuries or just get better at your game. 

Common Injuries from One-Side Dominant Sports

Tennis and pickleball require quick moves and changes in direction, which can often cause sprains or falls especially if you don’t have good core strength or balance. Due to the repetitive motion of serving and volleying the balls, both sports are also known for causing tennis or pickleball elbow. 

Golf enthusiasts may experience foot or ankle injuries and back strains and golfer’s elbow, many caused by the repeated stress of swinging. 

Benefits of Pilates for Golfers, Tennis and Pickleball Players

Pilates is low-impact and modifiable for everyone and every body. We teach our sessions on Pilates equipment, but the principles our clients learn can be taken out of the studio and practiced when they are on the go or at home. Here are some of the benefits athletes in one-side dominant sports can expect from Pilates: 

  • Improved core strength and stability: Pilates increases core strength by focusing on deeper abdominal muscles and pelvic floor muscle contractions and releases. A strong core is vital in keeping you upright and stable. 
  • Enhanced range of motion and flexibility: Pilates movements involve static and dynamic stretching, which elongates and strengthens the muscles. Improving range of motion and flexibility makes you less susceptible to injury. 
  • Correction of muscle imbalances: With one-side dominant sports, the same muscle groups are worked repeatedly. Pilates can counteract this imbalance by giving you movements to increase the strength of lesser-used muscles. 
  • Increased body awareness: Since Pilates exercises require controlled movements and mind/body connection, they enhance proprioception, your body’s ability to sense its movement and spatial awareness. 

At Taylor Pilates and Fitness our goal is to help you move well, feel well, and live well — on the courts and off. While we can’t guarantee you’ll get a better golf game after a session with our instructors, we can help you improve your balance, stability, and core strength to prevent injuries. 

 Contact us by calling or texting 303-472-6743 to schedule your Pilates session.